Monday, July 2, 2012


Assalamualaikum to all my silent readers. Thank you
for visiting this blog, Have a nice day, And the topic will be 'July,Hi'
Well its 2nd of July, Time moves so freakin fast.
Another 19/18 days more... And its Ramadhan!
I can't wait and before its late Selamat Berpuasa ya! :)

Em yeah, yesterday was the 1st of july and today is the 2nd day of julySeriously, This is the second of july and today is my worst day evah.  Tahu apa? Yep, Saya gaduh dengan dia. Yep yep yep. my life is so sad.
I dont know mcm mana jadi. Tapi masa kita org rehat. Afiqah senyap jelah sebab dia kan puasa then masuk kelas afiqah letih so thu thu la macam mana org puasa. Then W pun panggil afiqah. I don't know lah sama ada afiqah dengar ke tak tapi afiqah tak berpaling dekat W. So, W pun senyap. Kan? Then Afiqah pun tegur lah W. mybe nk tnya pasal ape ntah, tp W mrh. Kita org senyap jea.......... 

Then, saya pun nak pergi *bangun dari kerusi,jalan satu langkah* W pun panggil, dia cakap. Better kita pecah wei. Aku memang dah rimas dengan korang ape ape and bla bla. So, reaksi saya mcm tu memang shocked gila okay!!!!!Tak thu nak kata apa, memang masa tu pun air mata saya boleh jatuh. Apatah lagi yang lain belum tahu, And saya tanya lah dia 'Why'? Dia cakap 'dia rimas' And saya ckp jelah okay........

Lepastu sahabat dia pun datang, dia pun cakap macam ni dekat kawan baik dia 'Nanti kita buat group lain, and dah lah ajak diorang. Memang aku taknak' Saya dengar okay masatu.......I repeat....SAYA DENGAR. And saya terkejut vavi gila kot dengar dia cakap mcm tu. Saya tanya dia kenapa dia buat mcm ni, Dia pun cakap dia rimas dengan kitaorg.......Memang kitaorg mcm gila ah time tu asdfghjkkl 

And kitaorg pun stop lah masatu.......Kitaorg mcm okay fine. macam blur gitew. But, Mind your words please? I know you hate us now tapi perlu ke cakap mcm tu. Kita orang ni sedih gila tau! Tambah2 dah ada sorang dah nk keluar. yg tu memang aku tk thu kenapa. Munking rmas jugak kot dengan kitaorang or nk ikut W. Tapi kitaorg sayang gila dekat W. Tapi nak buat mcm mana kan, takkan kita nk kejar dia.

Whatever it is...........I hope one day kita jadi mcm dulu okay? Yeah! I know, maybe awk tak nak. sebab tadi poun awk ckp keputusan muktamad. Okay lah mcm tu. takpe. But...............


Sunday, June 24, 2012


will you marry me ? 

Okay, hello guys. its been awhile since i update my blog, so hows ya doing?
Cool,Awesome? Good. And now im gonna update randomly
So now i'm bored and i'm gonna update my blog~ I dont know
what will be the title is so i decided to do 'RANDOM' 
Hope you like it, and dont forget. do follow ;)
thanks alot :*


Cant wait the le novembers . 

Why!? Why i can't wait this november? Okay the reason is, The twilight breaking dawn part 2,
trip with le girls and its ho ho ho li li day. Am gonna spend all the time with
le cousins and family, ah it will be the coolest holiday ever. And i can't wait. Like seriously,
Cant wait. Okay somebody kill me now. lolol i'm over-excited. haha
That is. That is why i can't wait for this nov. tak silap 14.11 ada trip and 16. BD part 2
Okay.....Calm down lisa. feel like wanna screaming. duh. lol


Homework and stresss

Sometimes we hate homework sometimes we're not. and idk why its happen
for me, i hate homework ;sometimes; espc when we're having holidays
a'ahah i swear i really hate homework haha not hate too much but why are you so fckng 
jealous when we're having holidays? kenapa tk bagi homework masa kitaorg skolah
ahh you're so jealous. for what you have to jealous. hmmmm.
sometimes buat homework punr rasa mcm nk scream je. mcm bawah ni

hari ni sy tk pergi sekolah so takde homework lah huehue


Bulan depan dah nak puasa dah....

like i said , time flies so freakin fast . next month dh puasa dh . so selamat berpuasa kpd 
semua orang ! then next month satu lagi . Hari Raya Aidilfitri,
Time moves fast, rasa smlm baru bulan Jan
hari ni pejam celik pejam celik dh nk almost end year dh
Okay, can't wait puasa and raya aidilfitri! xx

Thats all for now...... Will update soon,
Take care :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Assalamualaikum and Hi to non muslim. Apa khabar semua?
Sihat tak? Kalau tk sihat makan ubat yer.. So sebelum tu kita buang sikit
habuk habuk dkt blog kiter ni. hachumm dh semua. hari ni 
alhamdulillah ada new post dan sempat menge update post hihi suka tak?
kalau tk suka tk pyah segan segan la tutup ini punye blog!
Okay semua? :')

Last 2 weeks ago, saya hangout dgn kawan kawan saya dkt shopping mall . takkan la dekat pasar kot. hahaha , kita org celebrate anis buncit punya birthday . happy belated birthday ya anisss . semoga anda dengan ceras bahagia hingga ke anak cucu . aniss ni banyak boyfriend senanye sampai saya tk boleh ingat nama boyfriend diaa . hahaha gurau je anis . jangan marah2 nanti cepat tua . soo happy birthday ya semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki selalu :)

actually geng kita org supposed to be 6 tapi 2 org tk ley dtg so sy,afiqah,wieyna dan anis jelah hangout masa tu . okay best giler hari tu tp x ley enjoy mana sbb anis bawa dia punya pakwe . walaweii aku dh ckp jangan ada laki dia bawa jugak haha but its okay, handsome juga . lol i'm just kidding , kita org pergi jalan2 then makan then ada laa semua tu private kalau nk thu..... Lu pikirlah sndiri. hahah okay okay ape ape pun kita org kalau pergi mana2 confirm snap gmbr . okay ? sbgai kenangan lah di katakan . kenangan lah sangatzz

Enjoy ok ;)
abaikan muka kita org yg hodoh . 

mcdonald , double cheese burger and mc'chicken.

cuz we're popular 

wieyna tak nampak di belakang haha

dan saya tk de gmbr anies . sorry ya anies what ever it is you always in my heart
ececece , happy belated birthday .. we had a great time with you . 
nanti hangout pula huehue . 
thats all for nw , will update soon . take care . thanks new followers :*

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Assalamualaikum and a big hi to non muslim! Sihat? Tak sihat makan ubat....
Esok sekolah! Macam macam ada perangai
Homework belum siap *peace*
Kena marah dekat cikgu, padan muka. hihi. 

Like i said, time moves so fast. Pejam celik pejam celik dah 2 minggu dh kita cuti *for those who still study* Kan kan kan? Woah! So thats why kita kena hargai masa. ceh wah haha so so so dh siap ke homework ape yg cikgu kasi? dah siap ke belum kalau korang nk tanya saya, saya jawab belum. 1 subject jelagi! Memang tak boleh lah, tak de idea ah nk buat essay. Kan jadi ayat mcm #Ohmyenglish pulak. lol.

Okay ni normal la ni *lol* time cuti mesti merungut cpt cpt buka sekolah kan? Time sekolah pula minta minta cpt cpt cuti sebab ape sbb homework banyak mcm gunung everest. Actually tkdelah sampai gunung everest pun. pepatah je. cuit hehehe. Korang thu saya 13 skrg mesti nk thu kan amecam naik sekolah menengah ni. for those yg nk thu, Okay ah. not bad.

Skrg i is doing my homework #BrokenEnglish people. ahahha. Okay skrg my mind ni blank gila ah. takde idea nk buat ape. AYAT dh jadi mcm keling serabai dh ni! Ah someone help me, Need to finish it malam ni jugak klau tak mari lah sama sama dengar cikgu merepek. po pek po pek okay mesti semua x nak kan? So kalau tk nk bagi cikgu merepek, kena lah siapkan homework. Hm, homework is killing me.

Maybe thats all for now, Agak pendek la post saya untuk yg ni but hey bersyukur ye baby baby bucuk bucuk semua, saya ni rajin jugak nk menge-update blog tu pun nk suruh baby baby bucuk2 sy ni baca. LOL okay Dh la, Assalamualaikum 

Friday, June 1, 2012


Assalamualaikumm to all my silent readers! How are you guys?
Sihat tak?? Tak sihat?? Makan ubat ye.. Hows your holiday? 
Awesome? Thats cool. saya punya holiday
okay je. tapi bosan , banyak homework perlu disiap . tengok orng
tweet tweet pun rasa jealous sbb diorang boleh pergi holiday, tapi sy pun
pegi jugak kot next week :) Heee .

So, dah bulan June kan? YEA YEA. HELLO JUNE!
Dah 5 bulan dah since dari january 2012 tu. hmm time flies so freakin fast
sampai holidays pun tak habis, hmm . pejam celik pejam celik
dah 2013 . nak bagi tahu cepat gilaa masa so thats why 
kene hargai masa . we must spend our time dgn benda yg berfaedah bukan
yg tak berfaedah rite ? okay dah mulaa daah saya annoying heee :)
So , apa korang nak for this june. kalau nk tnye sayaa .
sayaa ? entah laa . nk memories yg tkkn lupa sampai bila bilaa :) ape pulak korang? lol
I miss her, dia belum datang lagi. I've been waiting for her
tapi dia kata dia tak nak dtg dah? Ya Allah, why ? Why ? You're the best and no one can replace you!
okay tukar topic , malas cakap pasal ni. wee :)

And its a new day! So, ikut korang la . kalau nk insaf2 tu , insaf skrg lol
What i want, i want this june be good to me.
Tak nak ada yg nasib malang or something that boleh menyakitkan hati.
I want this June will be the awesomest evah! :) Okay? Xx
Maybe thats all for nw. Bye, tc. will update soon. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Assalamualaikum,Hows your life? Sihat?
Tak sihat.. makan ubat~ Okay? Biar cepat sembut.
Macam mana holiday korang? Best tak? kalau nk tnya saya
saya tk thu pergi ke tak. this holiday suckss , sedih gilaa kot tak boleh
pergi holiday, tgk orang lain cm buleh, kita duduk rumah je, tak syiokk laa wei.

Dengar kata Pixie Lott, Christina Perri datang MALAYSIA. and seriously,saya nak pergi. I wanna meet the girls so bad.Pixie Lott hari ni autograph and rugi gila la saya tak pergi, sedih tahap gaban ni lol. sikit lagi Justin Bieber datang, What theeeee? Ohmagad, me want to that concert too well i'm not his big fan actually. lol hehe,Taaaapi kan , saya nk pergi . tak kiraa laa nak enjoy la jugak holiday sy ni. tkkan 2 minggu duk rumah je. bosan.and i need to think where place will i go for my holiday , kalau sy sng je. pergi rumah cousins.muehehehe tempat tu paling tak bosan, why? sebab boleh main cousin laa brotherr. So, yeah. thats my plan. hohohoho.

Memang naaaaak lah pergi concert diorang, plus yg christina perri tu sah dah laa masa holiday. alaa, nak pergii sangat sangat. One direction ni ada tak senanye? I'm tired searching it for the ticket. hm lantaklah yg tu, yg ni ni nak pergi sangat ni sampai ke keyboard aku nk patah aku type ni. lol hahaha. okay saya dah merepek ni, merepek yang bukan bukan. hm tapi saya sedih la sebab tak boleh prgi mana mana this holiday *wipe tears* saya dah nangis 10 baldi tauu tadi and tak tahulah pergi ke tak, or maybe i'll follow my cousins! Yeay tapi tak boleh happy sangat sebab kita tak thu kan jadi ke tak. Okay. Lisa, stop being annoying. Maaf ye readers ! hehehe.

 Well have a nice holidays!
kalau pergi mana mana 
beli la something untuk saya
Thank you sebab sudi baca post saya yg
annoying sangat ni! Bye :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

IPSC 2011

Man, So cute *O*

Assalamualaikum you all and Hi to non muslim! 
Hows your day? Sihat? Tak sihat? Jumpa doktor/makan ubat
weeeeee, so lets go to the topic. IPSC? Amende tu weh? Okay..
Its International Primary School Conferences.
Dah lama dah cuma saya baru je nak update! Masa 2011. Ah,
Miss the moments! well need to being 12 years old girl again. Lol. HAHA

Saya? Saya masuk Poster Presentation for that programme and Alhamdulillah i got number 2 in that presentation! Actually i never thought that i will won because my presentation was bad, Gagap. Why? Because i'm afraid lah bro. But thanks god! I won! :) Takpelaah kan number 2. atleast ada jugak number. Weee, I'm happy on that day! Oh how i miss that moment!! hopes it will have the second IPSC and i want to join! :)

So, also i got alot of knowledge on that programme, And Congratulations to my friends, Adriana. She got number 2/1 in oral presentation! Was proud of her. I knew she can do it very well. Takde mcm saya gagap. And ramai gila okay participate for that programme, yang saya ingat from SK Bukit Damansara, SK Bandar Baru Bangi Seksyen 3, SK Zainab 1 and so on....Ada juga yang from KOREA! My penpals. Shes a girl, Her name is Seon Eun Moon! Dia kata Malaysia cantik, Awh, Thank you!! xx 

Oh tempat kitaorang buat dekat PCB which means (Pantai Cahaya Bulan) Resorts. Well, masa tu musim Hujan kan so ombak kuat gila la . ada org larang pergi dkt pantai but me and da gang pergi juga! Y'know what, I love beach! Tenang gila kot hati bila pergi situ! I love the scenessssss.. hehe!

I hope ada lagi lah programme next year and hope teacher needs my help! So buleh lah lagi saya attend this programme. muehehehehe~ Takpelah sekali sekala kan? Hueheeee! Thats all for now.will update soon.

Here Are some pictures.....

My poster.

Team~ Julia, My Junior.

Le photographer ~^^

The boys and girls :)

Hi, I got number 2 in poster presentation! Thanks God <3

Thats all for now. Enjoy! * International primary school conferences 2011*
Abaikan muka kita orang yang hodh ~
We just wanna have fun! :)